We can't wait to welcome you to Andover College in September!
We have created this interactive page to give you a sense of what taking Media Studies at Andover College is like. Scroll down to watch the an introductory presentation put together by your lecturer Donna before trying your hand at the Creative Production Task.
We would love to see your ideas and results so please send them back to andoverapplicantwelcome@sparsholt.ac.uk with 'Media Studies' as the email heading!
Check out the pictures of all the trips and extra-curriculum activities our students get to experience along with all the help and support we can provide through our experienced Careers and Health & Wellbeing teams.
New Activities!
Take a look at the resources below and think about the implication of the media in the current situation regarding the Black Lives Matter movement. Engage your critical thinking skills and analyse different sources and their apparent trustworthiness on such important topics.
Make sure you let us know how you get on!
About the course
As a Media Studies student, you will analyse how media products use language and representations to create meaning. You will learn about the media industry and how the industry affects how media products are made. You will investigate media audiences, exploring who are the people who watch, read and consume products and how they respond in different ways. You will study many different media forms, such as Television, Online Media, Film Marketing, Magazines, Newspapers, Radio, Video Games, Music Video and Advertising.
In preparation for college in September Media Studies lecturer, Donna, has put together a variety of activities for you to get started with!
Firstly, check out the interactive presentation introducing you to the various topics within your Media Studies course and the accompanying activity, Creative Production task, challenging you to develop your own idea for a new horror/sci-fi series!
We have included a basic storyboard template should you wish to use this, however, be as creative as you like - mind maps, posters found-footage trailers etc! Be sure to send us your results to andoverapplicantwelcome@sparsholt.ac.uk with Media Studies as the email header.
The full PowerPoint is provided below including the video you will need for the lesson.
Photographic Storyboard Template
The Grammar of Film
PowerPoint Introduction to Media Studies
Student Work!
Take a look at some of the work produced by previous Media Studies students as part of their Production Work module focusing on methods of communication used across media platforms. Ella has produced a theatrical release poster, DVD sleeve and international poster for her film of choice. While Kiran has created a magazine cover channelling the style and substance of Vogue. Both fantastic pieces!
Trips and Visits!
As a student of Media Studies lecturers take every opportunity to get you involved in trips and enrichment activities. In recent years Media and Film Studies students have been to Prague, New York, Disneyland Paris and Berlin. Each location is chosen for its link to course content and industry relevance.
Disneyland Paris runs a Media Live! Conference every year with a host of speakers from all different media and film backgrounds, offering insights into possible career choices. We also use this location as an opportunity to explore the city of Paris and it’s many recognisable film locations. New York offers a huge variety of iconic film and TV landmarks to explore as well the prestigious Museum of Moving Image and is home to some of America’s most recognisable TV studios.
Take a look at the pictures below showing all these exciting locations you might get a chance to visit!
Film Studies student Harry outside the Reichstag Building in Berlin!
Memorial to the Murdered Jews of Europe in Berlin.
Video Game Museum in Berlin!
Film & Media Studies students in Paris!
NYC Museum of Moving Image
The Friends Apartment building in NYC!
Our Courses:
A-Level in Media Studies (2 Years)
Careers Guidance
Our careers guidance aims to expand the horizons of all students enabling you to make informed career decisions in order to progress both during and after college.
Carol is our dedicated Careers Advisor for Andover College!
We also have our Sun Progression Mentor Anna!
Anna works alongside the Southern Universities Network (SUN) to help students recognise the routes of progression available to them, and to continue their journey in education!
We recently launched the new Careers Hub located in the College library so come and say hello to Carol and Anna!
Additional Resources
The Open University has a variety of free online courses available to work on prior to your start in September. Full catalogue available here.
Future Learn and Coursera also have a variety of courses available.
In particular we recommend the following:
- Explore Film making: from Script to Screen - here.
Student wellbeing and support
At Andover College we understand that starting college in these uncertain times can be daunting and we aim to make this process as simple as possible.
We have a dedicated team that provide our students with any additional support they need including;
- Counselling
- Carer support
- Childcare support
- Confidential one-to-one services
We have also recently introduced two new members to the wellbeing team ... Arlo and Romeo the Therapy Dogs!
Arlo and Romeo are part of the continued effort from Andover College to consistently improve on and add to provisions for students. They are based on campus with their owners throughout term.
Research has shown that students are significantly less stressed and anxious, and even have increased happiness and energy, immediately following spending time in a drop-in session with a dog present. What good boys!